Gotta love offsite meetings. You end up with some random time to do other things, like blog research.
So the topic is . . . fare collection. Why oh why are the MBCR conductors not collecting fares? I mean - unless the MBTA/MBCR plans to start running the commuter rail as a charity, the fares are needed. I must believe that every dollar helps. I don't want to have the state double-dip: charging fares AND increase taxes/limit my tax refund because the transportation quasi-public entities need to money.
The Action Bob Markle blog noted that fares were not collected last Thursday on the inbound Worcester-Framingham train. I actually drove into work because I had a meeting, something that was mentioned both on Train Stopping and on Universal Hub.
I guess the MBTA/MBCR entities really aren't businesses. Because, other than fast food restaurants or ice cream stands manned by high school kids, I can't really think of a business that lets you try the product/buy the product without paying for the product.
Why the IBX Won’t Reach the Bronx
1 week ago
Fare collection seems hit-or-miss depending on the dedication of the train crew.
The crew on the 7:45 inbound from Forge Park collect fares religiously - I ride that train almost daily and can't remember a day they didn't.
On the other hand, the crew on the 6:15 outbound to Forge Park doesn't collect fares at least once, and often twice, a week.
I have noticed on the Worc-Boston trains, both inbound and outbound, that the conductors don't seem to collect fares when the train is late or delayed. I would assume it's because people could easily argue they are not paying for a service which was not provided, and the conductors don't feel like going through the hassle. I will admit to feeling this way myself many a time, and waiting for someone to ask to see my ticket so I can plunge into a rant, even though I'd only be shooting the messenger. Of course, there are a few off times when they just seem to not come around for any particular reason.
On a side note, this is my first visit to and comment on your blog, although I assure you not my last. So far I have found everything I've read to be very interesting and also offer up some insight myself and my commuter friends hadn't previously thought of. Nicely done!
Anonymous . . .
Thanks for sharing your experiences on the Forge Park (Franklin) line. That's great that the inbound 7:45 a.m. crew has been collecting fares regularly. As sad as it is to say this, they should be rewarded. SHAME on the outbound 6:15 p.m. crew for only collecting fares a few times a a week.
AJ . . .
Thanks for visiting. Also, thank you for your observation regarding fare collection on the Worcester-Framingham trains. Since this line seems to get delayed a lot, it is worrisome that fares aren't always collected. I know when I'm on the Mass Pike and there is a lot of traffic, the Pike still manages to take my toll.
It probably makes sense to not collect fares if the trains are significantly delayed. But it is there job and maybe they should make announcements like "today we're not collecting fares because we're running 45 minutes late."
If only they could get the trains to run on time more often!!
I'm glad you found Train Stopping and I look forward to having you return. Feel free to continue to provide insight. I hope the Amtrak strike is only a silly possibility and it doesn't turn into a reality because I think the consequences will be severe!
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