Friday, January 18, 2008

"Submit a Concern" to the MBTA/MBCR About Commuter Rail Delays

I'm finally at work. Can I be more annoyed?!? It is almost 10 a.m. and I'm just arriving to the office.

I wrote a scathing email to MBCR. The email was submitted via the MBTA/MBCR "Submit a Concern" contact form. Here is a link to the form:

We'll see what happens with that ... I guess NOTHING.

I pretty much provided the same rant (rather "constructive criticism") that I shared in my earlier post. But I ended my comment with something along the lines of the following: "I'm grateful that my manager also rides the commuter rail and thus is subject to the same delays as I am. Most employers might not be that understanding."

I'll keep everyone posted on whether or not I receive an answer from the "fantabulous" Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority/Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad Company.


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